When an object is created, a default name based on its object typed will be given to the object. For example Form1 will be given to object/control with type Form, Text2, Text3,... will be given to Textbox object, Command1, Command2,.... will be given to command button object. You should immediately change the name property of the object to a name that describes the purpose of the control. Changing the Name property of your object with a name that describe the purpose with the object will make the code in your application easier to read and debug.
Visual Basic has several Standard Naming Convensions. Although you can assign any name you want to an object, but it is a better to adopt a naming convension and use it ocnsistently throughout your programms. Because it will make easier for others to understand your code.
Here it is a list of Standard Naming Convensions used in Visual Basic that assign to each type object:
The prefix you should use: chk
Example name: chkDrink
The prefix you should use: cbo
Example name: cboStore
The prefix you should use: cmd
Example name: cmdSelect
The prefix you should use: dat
Example name: datSales
The prefix you should use: dir
Example name: dirImage
The prefix you should use: drv
Example name: drvSource
The prefix you should use: fil
Example name: filSource
The prefix you should use: frm
Example name: frmEntry
The prefix you should use: fra
Example name: fraOption
The prefix you should use: grd
Example name: grdItem
The prefix you should use: hsb
Example name: hsbTemperature
The prefix you should use: img
Example name: imgEmployee
The prefix you should use: lbl
Example name: lblName
The prefix you should use: lin
Example name: linHorizontal
The prefix you should use: lst
Example name: lstCustomer
The prefix you should use: mnu
Example name: mnuReport
The prefix you should use: ole
Example name: oleObject2
The prefix you should use: opt
Example name: optCountry
The prefix you should use: pic
Example name: picFlower
The prefix you should use: shp
Example name: shpSquare
The prefix you should use: txt
Example name: txtName
The prefix you should use: tmr
Example name: tmrStep
The prefix you should use: vsb
Example name: vsbRate
Object in VB 6 program must be named with something that describes the object, so the program becomes more easily understood. And also should be given prefix in accordance with recommendations from VB 6. For example a printer design file should be gven a prefix prn.
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